понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

Dark chocolate good, good for you; Study finds treat improves blood vessel health - The Columbian (Vancouver, WA)

MUNICH, Germany - There's more good news for chocolate lovers.

Scientists have found that eating dark chocolate appears toimprove the function of important cells lining the wall of bloodvessels for at least three hours.

The study, involving 17 healthy young volunteers who agreed toeat a bar of dark chocolate and then get an ultrasound, found thateating dark chocolate seemed to make the blood vessels moreflexible, which helps prevent the hardening of the arteries thatleads to heart attacks.

But experts cautioned that the weight gain from eating a lot ofchocolate probably would cancel out the apparent benefit.

Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, which act as naturalantioxidants chemicals that combat the damage oxygen does to thebody. However, that does not mean that chocolate binges will wardoff a heart attack, experts warn.

Cacao, the plant that chocolate comes from, has for centuriesbeen used for everything from medicine to currency. Although enjoyedworldwide, until recently it was considered a treat that provided nosubstantial nutritional value.

Studies have indicated that it releases the happy chemicalseratonin in the brain.

However, during the last few years, studies have suggested muchto the delight of chocoholics that it is rich in flavonoids.

The latest study, conducted by cardiologists at Athens MedicalSchool in Greece, set out to test whether chocolate affected thefunctioning of the so-called endothelial cells in the walls of theblood vessels, which are believed to be affected by oxygen damageand are considered a mirror of the overall health of thecardiovascular system.

The scientists, who presented their work Sunday at Europe's mostimportant cardiology conference, gave 3.5 ounces of either dark,bittersweet chocolate or fake chocolate to 17 healthy volunteers.

On another day, the volunteers were switched. They had nochocolate outside of the study.

An ultrasound was taken of each volunteer's upper arm to see thefunctioning of the endothelial cells in the main artery. The cellsaccomplish their goal of controlling the stiffness of the bloodvessel by secreting several active substances that regulate theflexibility of the vessel and influence clot formation.

'During the chocolate session, endothelial function was improved,whereas during the placebo day there were no such changes,' thestudy concluded. 'The favorable effects of dark chocolate lasted forthree hours at least.'

By improving the blood vessel flexibility in apparently healthypeople, dark chocolate emerges as perhaps a power food, thescientists said.

'At this time, we do not know whether regular intake of darkchocolate or other cocoa beverages could result in a reduction oftotal cardiovascular' problems or death, the study said.