Test your chocolate knowledge. Answer true or false to the following questions.
* Chocolate is addictive.
False. You would have to eat several chocolate bars to get the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee.
* Chocolate makes children hyperactive.
False. Experts say it's the excitement surrounding a celebration that affects children.
* Chocolate makes people happy.
True. While it may make people happy just to smell chocolate, research has found that eating chocolate can lift your mood. High-carbohydrate foods and foods that contain fat boost serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain.
* Chocolate will raise my cholesterol.
False. Even though the cocoa butter in chocolate is mostly saturated fat, studies show that the cocoa butter doesn't appear to raise cholesterol.
* Chocolate has no health benefits.
False. Ten percent of the U.S. recommended daily allowance of iron is found in one ounce of baking chocolate, and recent research also shows a possible antioxidant benefit in chocolate similar to that found in red wine. Antioxidants are substances that prevent cell destruction.
* Chocolate is an aphrodisiac.
You decide. Ancient Aztecs believed it enhanced sexual desire. Chocolate does contain a natural substance that stimulates the same reaction in the body as falling in love.